EarthQuaker Devices Bellows Fuzz Driver
The Bellows isn’t based on anything in particular, but it straddles the line between amp-like grit and fuzzy saturation, with a bunch of useful distorted places in between, capturing nearly every era of Rock-and-Roll in a box. If I were you (and it’s a good thing I’m not) I’d resist the usual urge to dime it right away, as the Bellows’ character changes dramatically based on where the “Drive” is set.
The simple, scorched-earth approach to design leaves the full frequency response of your instrument intact, which makes the Bellows a great bass overdrive, and guarantees that what goes into the Bellows is what comes out, only hotter. On lower "Drive" settings, you'll find responsive and dynamic amp-like breakup. Dime it, and you'll hear full-on thermonuclear saturation. Just remember, where there's smoke, there's fire.